Rates start at $63 a month and all packages include the print ad, digital ad in online version, at least 1 social media post, and more.
The beautiful four-color pages of Celebrate Hanover are the perfect place to showcase your services. By advertising in Celebrate Hanover magazine, your business will reach more than 45,000 residents and tourists.
Why advertise in Celebrate Hanover magazine?
Consumers trust and believe magazines and magazine advertising more than other media.
Source: Time Inc. “Storytelling in a Multiplatform World”
When consumers were asked to rate media based on how likely they are to pay attention to the advertising messages, magazines were number one for total adults (ages 18-64).
Source: JackMyers Emotional Connections Survey
Enjoy these perks at no additional cost:
- A free website link to your website
- Complimentary magazines delivered to your location
- Bonus distribution opportunities at local events throughout the year
For more information, click here to e-mail our Advertising Department, or call 888-521-6810.
“The magazine has helped my business by sharing some of my work with high quality display ads. I enjoy working with the staff, and look forward to working with them for many years.”
Dr. Rita Antonini Tempel, Gettysburg Smiles
“The larger ad really brought attention to some new residents in Adams County. Working up proposals for these potential customers now.
Always nice to get instant feedback!”
Carol Leaman, The Good Life Cleaning Services